PERFORMER Jim Kweskin Jug Band Big Brother and the Holding Company Electric Train
Item Number FD029-PO
3rd Edition print
Framed with White Lacquer and double mat of red and green with ribbon cut
Framed Price is $750.00
Framed size is 30 x 24
ARTISTS Alton Kelley Stanley Mouse
DATE Oct 7, 1966
VENUE Avalon Ballroom (San Francisco, CA)
SIZE 13 15/16″ x 20″
Condition Mint
About Artist Alton Kelley
As a founding member of the Family Dog, Kelley handled promotions for the events at the Avalon Ballroom, drawing posters and handbills. He soon met up with Stanley Mouse, and their association nurtured Kelley’s success as an artist. Kelley had a natural talent for collage and a keen eye for culling and combining imagery and styles from diverse sources. Teamed with Mouse’s drafting skill, collaborations became increasingly sophisticated, yet irreverent. Kelley always worked by hand, producing posters and other print graphics for a wide array of entertainment-oriented clients.